Off to another Freedom Rally to snap some pics. This time at Century Gardens here in downtown Calgary. The street is littered with folks so it was a bit of a wait to pull in my parking lot as a family of four make their way past the mouth of it to attend the event with signs in hand. The youngest child had a sign concerning vaccines and motherhood. Couldn’t make it out.
The lot seemed to have room as I passed but now that I’m inside there are just one and a half spots left so I tried my best to take one but leave 3/4. Folks are rushing to get their ticket from a kiosk as I try to login into the phone app.
“Do I need a mask?” I ask myself. Not that I’m afraid of COVID but crazies. There was an issue last rally … but that’s a different story. Ok, finally on my way when I see a couple walking away from the park where the event is.
“How DARE they do this in .. in .. in a neighborhood?!?!?!” says the shorter dark-haired gentleman as he continues through this commercial district.
I turn to look because this guy was in an altered state. Recognizing that I was heading the other direction the man’s much taller and much heavier husband turns to me. Somebody must pay for this outrage. “YOUR MOTHER SHOULD’VE ABORTED YOOOOOUUU!”
I guess that was the most offensive thing that this character could think to yell at the next random person who he assumed must’ve been one of those bible-thumping, science deniers the news told him were destroying his planet.
“Yep, going back for that mask,” I muttered to myself relenting to the realities of this place.
Typical kind of crowd – a mix of middle-aged men and concerning soccer moms. Typical speeches – “Kenney is evil”, the “jab is dangerous”, “we’re under siege.”
One highlight was Zane Novak as a highlighted speaker. A candidate for mayor this year who stated that it was difficult for him to decide to attend but he felt compelled to. Not compelled because he was an “anti-vaxxer” but because he has become increasingly concerned about the attacks on civil liberties.
Another highlight was Rob Anders working a clipboard near the “Alberta Statehood” booth. Anders was a Member of Parliament from the Reform then Canadian Alliance parties. He became famous for calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist. Needless to say they ran him out of office on a rail.